Monday, August 23, 2010

Myths and Facts about Nicotine Addiction

Myths and Facts about Nicotine Addiction: "Tobacco use is the highly preventable cause of death in America. Approximately 440,000 Americans succumb to diseases related to tobacco use each year (Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse). Smoking harms almost every organ in the human body, causes many diseases, and compromises smokers’ health in general. According to NIDA, cigarette smoking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer cases in the U.S., and about 38,000 deaths per year can be attributed to secondhand smoke. Nicotine, a component of Tobacco is one of the most heavily used addictive drugs. It is also the primary reason that Tobacco is addictive." ...

Rhinoplasty and its different procedures

Rhinoplasty and its different procedures: "Everyone is guilty of wanting plastic surgery to better one part of the body or another, but many people are guilty of wanting a more flawless face. Because the face is the most visible part of a person those who have too large or a misshaped nose never feel fully comfortable. Many people who long to have rhinoplasty look at themselves in the mirror and feel self-conscious instead of self-confident. Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery to reshape the nose. Rhinoplasty Los Angeles surgeons say is surgery and like all other surgery comes with risks, if one is interested in having the procedure he or she should read this article for more information on rhinoplasty." ...

Cost Effective Allergy Remedies

Cost Effective Allergy Remedies: "Do you suffer from allergies? If you do, are you looking for affordable ways to seek allergy relief? If you are, you will want to continue reading on. Below, a few easy and affordable steps that you can take to reduce your allergy symptoms are outlined." ...

How noise creates hearing problems

How noise creates hearing problems: "Youth ushers in many privileges and the most priceless one is clear hearing. It is just sad that for those who turn 30, they begin to feel their hearing abilities fade. By age 65, one in six adults experiences severe hearing loss. A recent surge in the number of people with hearing problems results in an alarming statistics, the fact that 20 million Americans suffer from various forms of preventable hearing loss.

What then could be the reason behind the surge of hearing problems up to one third? Excessive noise is the most common culprit. But it would be good to know that not like nerve deafness, damage from noise is preventable. Train yourself to distinguish between just irritating sounds and noises that rob off hearing be it some parts of it or all of your hearing capability. More than just determining what kind of noise it is or how the distance to the racket, it is important to also consider the volume measured in decibels along with tracking the hours, days, months and years that a person is exposed to the noise." ...

5 Risk Factors of Alcohol and Abuse Revealed

5 Risk Factors of Alcohol and Abuse Revealed: "Have you ever wondered why some people struggle with alcohol and abuse, while others seem to be able to drink 'normally'? The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 140 million people around the world struggle with alcohol and abuse. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 17.6 million Americans struggle with alcohol dependence and abuse. This article discusses 5 risk factors that have been linked to putting people in danger of becoming addicted to alcohol, which include emotional, psychological, genetic, age and gender." ...

Sign Of Herpes

Sign Of Herpes: "Knowledge is a vital role of the avoidance and control of this virus but prior we explore what does herpes look like let's talk about what herpes is. Certain information you may by now know but surely you will be capable of discovering a bit that you didn't make out additional to your knowledge about this virus.

There are 2 types of the herpes virus: Type 1-Herpes Simplex 1 and Type 2-Herpes Simplex 2.
Herpes Simplex 1 is in charge for oral herpes, more frequently recognized as cold sores, which usually humiliate on or in the region of the mouth. Herpes Simplex 2 is in charge for genital herpes and is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease." ...

High Blood Pressure - Are You At Risk?

High Blood Pressure - Are You At Risk?: "When your heart pumps blood, pressure is exerted against the walls of the arteries, prompting the term “blood pressure'. While your heart is actively pumping blood, your blood pressure is at its highest, referred to as systolic pressure. When your heart is at rest - between beats - your blood pressure falls, this is diastolic pressure. These two numbers are used to determine your blood pressure with the systolic pressure being placed ahead of the diastolic pressure and written one above or before the other, such as 120/80 (normal). Both of these numbers are important. Any reading above 120/80 places the body at risk, the higher the pressure, the greater the risk."

Natural Remedies for Migraines and Headaches

Natural Remedies for Migraines and Headaches: "Do you suffer from constant headaches or migraines? I know I did and it was affecting my life both at work and socially, so if you are having the same problems you may be looking to seek relief.

Even if you only occasionally suffer from headaches or migraines, you may still be seeking fast relief, but in a natural way. There are natural ways to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with migraines and headaches without having to use medication."

Friday, August 13, 2010

TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? ... Calcium Overload....

Tim Russert's death two years ago, June 2008 at just 58 years of age, was deeply unsettling to many people who, like him, had been earnestly following their doctors advice on drugs, diet, nutrition and exercise in hopes of avoiding a heart attack.

Just this month, a major research report came out that chillingly echoed the autopsy results into Tim Russert's death.

Excess Calcium could be Killing You

What killed Mr. Russert was a "plaque" rupture. A fatty, pimple-like lesion of plaque composed of fats, cholesterol and CALCIUM, residing in a coronary artery. The lesion burst and as the body attempted to repair it, a blood clot formed which blocked circulation to part of his heart muscle, causing a heart attack.

Unfortunately heart attacks happen all the time in the United States, impacting 1.2 million American's each year, killing nearly one-half at of all sufferers.

In Mr. Russert's case, the heart attack led to a second catastrophe, an abnormal heart rhythm that caused cardiac arrest and quickly killed him. An electric shock from a defibrillator might have restarted his heart if it had been given promptly when he collapsed at his desk. But it was apparently, tragically delayed.

A new meta-analysis research study published in the British Medical Journal, last week proves that when calcium is taken alone, without it's "partner" biofactors, the calcium accumulates in your arteries, increasing your risk of heart attack!

A CT scan of Mr Russert's coronary arteries showed a dangerously high calcium score of 210, indicating artery disease. Healthy arteries do not have calcium deposits! Instead, the calcium is inside the bone marrow factory, where it should be, busy making strong bones, teeth, tendons, ligaments and muscles.

Major Study: 30% Greater Risk of Heart Attack

The new study, led by Professor Ian Reid at the University of Auckland, is a meta-analysis of 15 randomized trials on calcium supplements conducted in the last twenty years, with the aim to investigate the links between calcium supplementation and cardiovascular events.

From analyzing the data on 12,000 people involved in the 15 trials, the researchers found that calcium supplements actually increased the risk of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) by 30 percent!


(Reuters) - A new superbug could spread around the world after reaching Britain from India -- in part because of medical tourism -- and scientists say there are almost no drugs to treat it.

Researchers said on Wednesday they had found a new gene called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, or NDM-1, in patients in South Asia and in Britain.

NDM-1 makes bacteria highly resistant to almost all antibiotics, including the most powerful class called carbapenems, and experts say there are no new drugs on the horizon to tackle it.

With international travel in search of cheaper healthcare increasing, particularly for procedures such as cosmetic surgery, Timothy Walsh, who led the study, said he feared the new superbug could soon spread across the globe.

"At a global level, this is a real concern," Walsh, from Britain's Cardiff University, said in telephone interview.

"Because of medical tourism and international travel in general, resistance to these types of bacteria has the potential to spread around the world very, very quickly. And there is nothing in the (drug development) pipeline to tackle it."

Almost as soon as the first antibiotic penicillin was introduced in the 1940s, bacteria began to develop resistance to its effects, prompting researchers to develop many new generations of antibiotics.

But their overuse and misuse have helped fuel the rise of drug-resistant "superbug" infections like methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA).

In a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal on Wednesday, Walsh's team found that NDM-1 is becoming more common in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan and is also being imported back to Britain in patients returning after treatment.

"India also provides cosmetic surgery for other Europeans and Americans, and it is likely NDM-1 will spread worldwide," the scientists wrote in the study.


For many years, antibiotic research has been a "Cinderella" sector of the pharmaceuticals industry, reflecting a mismatch between the scientific difficulty of finding treatments and the modest sales such products are likely to generate, since new drugs are typically saved only for the sickest patients.

But the increasing threat from superbugs is encouraging a rethink at the few large drugmakers still actively hunting for new antibiotics, including Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis.

Walsh and his international team collected bacteria samples from hospital patients in two places in India, Chennai and Haryana, and from patients referred to Britain's national reference laboratory between 2007 and 2009.

They found 44 NDM-1-positive bacteria in Chennai, 26 in Haryana, 37 in Britain, and 73 in other sites in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Several of the British NDM-1 positive patients had recently traveled to India or Pakistan for hospital treatment, including cosmetic surgery, they said.

Most worryingly, NDM-1-producing bacteria are resistant to many antibiotics including carbapenems, the scientists said, a class of the drugs often reserved for emergency use and to treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bugs like MRSA and C-Difficile.

Anders Ekblom, global head of medicines development at AstraZeneca, whose Merrem antibiotic is the leading carbapenem, said he saw "great value" in investing in new antibiotics.

"We've long recognized the growing need for new antibiotics, he said. "Bacteria are continually developing resistance to our arsenal of antibiotics and NDM1 is just the latest example."

Experts commenting on Walsh's findings said it was important to be alert to the new bug and start screening for it early.

"If this emerging public health threat is ignored, sooner or later the medical community could be confronted with carbapenem-resistant (bacteria) that cause common infections, resulting in treatment failures with substantial increases in health-care costs," Johann Pitout from the University of Calgary in Canada wrote in a commentary in same journal.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dealing with Prostate Cancer

Dealing with Prostate Cancer: "About 30,000 males die annually due to prostate cancer. This number is true for the citizens of the United States alone. The figure is higher among western countries. This type of cancer mainly affects the prostate part of the male reproductive system and is particularly common to men who reach the age of 40. Although there is an age factor, any healthy individual may still develop this at any age due several other contributing factors such as diet, medical history among the family, and the occupational hazards. Although fatal, this disease is curable provided that early detection is made and the proper medical procedures are undertaken." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on how to deal with prostate cancer.) ...

Negative Implications of Cannabis Abuse on General and Oral Health

Negative Implications of Cannabis Abuse on General and Oral Health: "Cannabis, commonly known as Marijuana, is the most frequently used illicit drug in America. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), there were about 15.2 million past month users in America in 2008. It also stated that about 2.2 million people used Marijuana for the first time in 2008. This averages to about 6,000 Marijuana initiates per day. Many people are getting addicted to Marijuana, ignorant of its harmful effects on health. Today, Cannabis abuse is a major concern because of its negative effects on general physical, mental and oral health."... (Click on title link above to read entire article on the negative way marijuana use affects human health.) ...

Boosting Your Brain Power

Boosting Your Brain Power: "The aging process takes its toll not only on the surface of the body but also on the brain itself. It becomes noticeable that as the age of people increases, their memory or brain power decreases accordingly. The brain cells, also known as neurons, are the only type of cell in the body that cannot reproduce. Once damaged or upon reaching the optimal age, they cannot be replaced. Less neuron available leads to decrease in memory functions of the brain. People tend to forget things more easily and the speed of mind processing takes longer. The attention of the medical world has been focused mainly now on how to prevent the speedy death of brain cells and the improvement of brain power or memory." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on how to boost brain power and fight the aging process.) ...

6 Must Have Principles Your Personal Trainer Should be Helping You Use to Reach Your Goals

6 Must Have Principles Your Personal Trainer Should be Helping You Use to Reach Your Goals: "There are personal trainers here in CT in every gym that I visit. More and more are popping up everywhere around the U.S. Some are good, some, not so good! However, have you seen that dramatic increase in these so called, personal trainers? Maybe you've seen the amount of people who are using them, it's growing. Some clients are successful, some are not, for some it may be the personal trainer's guidance throwing off the potential success of their client, and for others, it's the client not doing what they are suggested by their personal trainer." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on six ways a personal trainer can help you reach your fitness and health goals.) ...

Five Reasons That Regular Dental Cleanings Are Important

Five Reasons That Regular Dental Cleanings Are Important: "Several people find going to the dentist once or twice a year extremely tough and undesirable, plus they think regular flossing plus brushing of the teeth will be adequate. If you want to avoid the painful process of dental problems as well the costlier treatment options, it is good to think about regular dental cleanings. No matter how properly you clean your mouth, or you use the most highly-priced of products such as tongue cleaners, oral irrigators, waxed dental floss, electric toothbrush, dental chewing gums, mouthwash, fluoride toothpastes, etc. you really need to have regular dental cleanings from a dentist." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on how important regular dental cleaning is to human health and wellness.) ...

Understanding Healthy Sleep

Understanding Healthy Sleep: "Changing your sleep patterns constantly affects your health. A scientific study headed by a team of researchers from the University of Warwick and University College London discovered that not enough sleep potentially doubles the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. They have also determined that sleep in excessive amounts also poses similar risks.

In general, people who sleep for the same number of hours – seven hours, for instance – each night lived longer. This holds true especially when compared to people who adjust their schedules, by either increasing or decreasing their hours of sleep per night."... (Click on title link above to read entire article on proper sleep patterns can lengthen your life.) ...

Home liver detoxification

Home liver detoxification: "For health experts, the most natural approach to eliminate gallstones in the body is to undergo a cleansing of the liver. One essential thing that our body has to endure is liver cleansing because it leads to good health. When liver cleansing of the liver has commenced, the numerous allergic reactions that you have can fade away. This washing out can also help you to boost your levels of energy. Furthermore, easing the shoulder and upper back pain is one more wonder accomplished by the cleansing of the liver." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article about how to detoxify your liver using home therapies. ) ...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dental implants best solution for missing teeth

Dental implants best solution for missing teeth: "Tooth loss is a very common problem and can occur due to many reasons such as gum disease, tooth decay, accidental breakage and failure of a root canal procedure. Always remember that if you are missing your permanent teeth then not only the aesthetic aspects are affected but it can also affect your health because you are not able to eat nutritious foods which your body requires, and the germs in your mouth from tooth decay travel into the bloodstream and can have devastating effects on your heart. But you can solve this problem by getting dental implants. There are other options also such as dentures and bridge work but there are many people who think that dental implants are the best option because they are effective, comfortable and secure."... (Click on title link above to read entire WELLNESS & HEALTH LIBRARY article on dental implants.) ...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Facts

Rheumatoid Arthritis Facts: "The condition known as arthritis refers to the bulging and soreness of the body's joints which occurs in at least a hundred different rheumatic diseases. It is one of the most persistent diseases that are famous to man. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of these sicknesses that involves pain in the joints and still has no familiar etiology. It comprises of pain in the inside layer of the joints of the synovial which can bring about more serious obliteration of the joints. The joints to be found in the parts of the hand are most likely to become distressed."... (Click on title link above to read entire WELLNESS & HEALTH LIBRARY article on Rheumatoid Arthritis.) ...

Vitamin E for Vitality

Vitamin E for Vitality: "When applied directly to the skin, vitamin E offers protection from ultraviolet radiation or UV rays, one of the main contributors of rapid skin aging. Countless research studies have produced results proving that the topical application of vitamin E prevents and repairs damage from UV rays.

In the same vein, having a vitamin E-rich diet provides skin cell membranes the same protection from damage brought about by free radicals. Free radicals accelerate aging by damaging cells, tissues and organs and therefore play a huge role in the development of over 200 diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease." ... (Click on title link above to read entire WELLNESS & HEALTH LIBRARY article on the importance of Vitamin E to the various systems of the human body.) ...

Trans-resveratrol: The New Elixir

Trans-resveratrol: The New Elixir: "The elusive search for the so-called fountain of youth has long been a subject of interest for humans for over hundreds, and maybe even thousands of years.

In today's modern society, the term anti-aging has been closely associated with high-end cosmetic products or drastic measures such as invasive and non-invasive plastic surgery procedures. Women are not the only ones who are taking part in this movement. In fact, it's pretty remarkable that more and more men have been drawn to the promise of anti-aging."... (Click on title link above to read entire WELLNESS & HEALTH LIBRARY article on trans-resveratrol.) ...

How Effective Is Acupuncture For Insomnia?

How Effective Is Acupuncture For Insomnia?: "Daytime fatigue is a common manifestation of insomnia, which commonly leads to irritability, anxiety, and depression, loss of concentration, gastro-intestinal problems, headaches, and increased errors in tasks.

It is a common medical complaint that has an insurmountable adverse effect towards a person's health and well-being.

Western medicine has it that insomnia is stress-related that can be triggered by depression, anxiety, medications, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, or just by eating too much during the evening, erratic work schedule, and worst could be a symptom of a more serious underlying health problem.

In western medicine, insomnia or any sleeping disorder is just a state of the mind stressing that the organ that is most related to the mind is the heart, which is deemed as the most affected organ by insomnia. If the heart is at the pink of health, the mind will be at ease and sleep will be sound, however, if there is something wrong with heart of if it is bothered by other internal factors in the body, the mind is boggled thereby affecting sleep."... (Click on title link above to read entire WELLNESS & HEALTH LIBRARY article on treating insomnia with acupuncture.) ...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can I Do a Detox With Only Raw Foods?

Can I Do a Detox With Only Raw Foods?: "Doing a raw food detox is not only possible, it is ideal. A raw, organic diet is able to detox your body, even while it repairs damaged tissue, provides living enzymes to the digestive system, and strengthens and promotes healthy cell growth. For this reason, a raw-foods-only diet is highly recommended.

If you choose to do a raw food cleanse, we urge you to do a combination of juices and whole fruits and vegetables. We also encourage you to limit the intake of sugary fruits vs. vegetables to limit the sugars in your diet. Finally, we advise you to use only organic, naturally grown fruit and vegetables, since pesticides and herbicides will only keep making your body toxic if you continue to ingest them." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on using raw foods to detoxify your body.)

Growing age and changing physical structure

Growing age and changing physical structure: "Growing up with the age makes the person weak, not only physically but mentally as well. Here we are discussing some alterations that come with the growing age.
1. Brain Memory loss and confusion
Many people become anxious about developing memory impairments as they transit into being senior citizens. Confusion and loss of memory were thought to be inevitable parts of aging in the past, but we now know that people can still remain alert despite aging. Senior citizens and those responsible for providing their elder care should be aware of these changes in memory and work to prevent, identify, and treat them." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on how the aging process changes both mental and physical processes.) ...

How Safe is the Abortion Pill?

How Safe is the Abortion Pill?: "Unwanted or unplanned pregnancies are a fact of life; they do happen, and for many reasons, it is not possible for many women to have a child or be able to care for the baby once it is born. Abortion pills administered under medical supervision are a safer way to end a pregnancy; but it is also a better option compared to a surgical abortion, for pregnancies less than nine weeks.

The use of abortion pills are not void of potential complications, and abortion procedures should never be considered as an acceptable alternative to contraception." ... (Click on title link above to read about the safety considerations of abortion pills.) ...

Causes and effects of acne – comprehend your acne treatment

Causes and effects of acne – comprehend your acne treatment: "There are many acne care treatment formulas that work well and aren't very time consuming or overpriced. Such formulas would be the antidote with alpha hydroxy acid or several sorts of chemical peels that can do wonders for zit treatments. These formulas of getting rid of acne are proven and efficient and numerous cases of patients affected by aggravated pimple irritation discovered these to be the perfect acne antidote. In the next article we will look nearly at the above-mentioned acne care treatment formulas and help you resolve which method will work absolute for your pimple difficulties." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on the causes and effects of acne.) ...

Saturday, June 19, 2010


10 WAYS TO BEAT WRINKLES: "1 Protect your skin from the sun
The single biggest cause of skin ageing is sunlight. You should use a sunscreen every single day of the year; this will help prevent your skin from becoming prematurely aged, as well as guard against burning. The ageing rays of the sun are as prevalent in cold winter months as in the hot summer ones, so it's a daily safe guard you should take."... (Click here to read all ten ways to beat wrinkles and premature aging of the skin.) ...

Here Are 4 Methods To Aid With Your Weight Loss

Here Are 4 Methods To Aid With Your Weight Loss: "As a society we are not moving enough. We are like caged animals meant to be in constant motion throughout the day. Instead we sit all day in an office and many of us sit in front of the TV when we get home. In short we want to get our bodies moving. Move it or lose it.

It wasn't always this way. Not long ago in the United States, a man who worked on a dairy farm did the equivalent of fifteen miles of jogging each day; and his wife did the equivalent of 7 miles of jogging." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article on four methods of losing weight.) ...

Anxiety Disorders Signs and symptoms: Are You Under Siege

Anxiety Disorders Signs and symptoms: Are You Under Siege: "About 20 percent from the world's population endure some form of anxiousness problem at some point in their lives, as indicated by statistical data from the Globe Wellness Organization (WHO). Panic attacks and phobias are some from the ways in which this disease is present not just manifested via the intense fear and nervousness but also physical signs for example tachycardia, nausea and dizziness, signs and symptoms that confused with other pathologies delaying accurate diagnosis. Without adequate treatment, these problems can lead to severe depression boxes, isolation and even suicide."... (Click on title link above to read the entire article on anxiety and depression.) ...

Concentration On Heroin Treatment

Concentration On Heroin Treatment: "Heroin and Codeine belong to a group of drugs called Opiates. Opiates are inherited from the opium poppy. The people who took Codeine became addicted to it, this was the major problem. They experience undesirable side effects, such as nausea. At the end of the nineteenth century, a German scientist changed the molecules of Codeine, in order to produce a new drug, like codeine, it would relieve pain but that, unlike codeine, would not be addictive. This new drug was named as heroin. Within a year or two of its introduction, most of the medical community came to know that heroin was not only stronger than codeine but that people who used it become more likely to become addicted. By the 1920s, heroin had become the most widely abused of the opiates." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on heroin addiction and treatment.) ...

Learn About Protein Supplements

Learn About Protein Supplements: "A human body necessities suitable quantities of proteins, vitamins, minerals and even carbohydrates and even fats in order to make sure right development of the body. For increased energy levels and proper body functioning, you should have balanced meals that is rich in nutrients. However owing to the stressful schedule of our lives, our daily diet doesn't include all the significant minerals and nutrients that are required for proper development of body. Today everyone prefers to eat fast food, ready to eat meals, spicy and fried food etc. which normally lack in essential nutrients. However remember, it is very significant to get a best combination of all the nutrients that help us grow appropriately. Not only this, but our immune system gets weaker if we don't have perfect proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. A weak immune system leads to a weaker body and leaving us more tired. Hence, we should be attentive whilst consuming our food as every single nutrient is very significant and even play a significant part in growth of our body."...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Laser Tooth Whitening For Beginners

Laser Tooth Whitening For Beginners: "In due course, because of the foods we eat and liquids we drink, the enamel of teeth tends to erode. Tooth enamel erodes heavily due to sugars and starches like the modern American diet, also to include are the drinks which contain lots of citric acid and the carbonated ones.

In fact, the substance that coats our teeth and put off teeth from decaying is our tooth enamel. And another method used to get rid of the built-up stains and plaque is the laser teeth whitening. Primarily, with conventional devices like pricks, teeth are scraped well. In this way, it does less work during the process. Second, lightly applied to the teeth near the gum line is the coating of hydrogen peroxide or other bleaching agent." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article on lazer tooth whitening.) ...

The Healthy Diet Pyramid: Steps To A Much More Healthy "Me"?

The Healthy Diet Pyramid: Steps To A Much More Healthy "Me"?: "The healthy diet pyramid represents the general concept of eating wholesome, balanced diet that consists of all foods. This set of recommendations aimed at promoting better lifestyles and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Regrettably, numerous of these recommendations have been based on assumptions rather than evidence, as well as economic and political interests. Let's review the recommendations:"... (Click on title link above to read entire article on the healthy diet pyramid.) ...

Antibiotics: classification and uses.

Antibiotics: classification and uses.: "An antibiotic is a chemical produced by or derived from microorganisms (i.e. germs such as bacteria and fungi or bugs). Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed medications in modern medicine. Antibiotics cure disease by killing the bacteria or by bacterial reproduction and growth inhibition. Some antibiotics can be used to treat a wide range of infectious diseases and are known as “broad-spectrum” antibiotics. Others are only effective against a few types of bacteria and are called “narrow-spectrum” antibiotics."... (Click on title link above to read entire expert article on the types and uses of antibiotics.) ...

Anxiety Natural Remedies And Alternative Remedies

Anxiety Natural Remedies And Alternative Remedies: "In the modern world today, the daily stresses and a fast lifestyle can carry its cost. Alternative treatments provide a organic alternative to prescription drugs (which often have serious side outcomes and could be really expensive).
Organic remedies for anxiety can consist of a range of approaches.

Anxiety natural remedies frequently provide providers not available in conventional medication.

For example, Training the patient, Alternative Pain Management, Treatment techniques that help the wellness systems model,* Stress reduction services, Other preventive healthcare providers that are not typically part of conventional medicine."... (Click on title link above to read entire article on natural remedies for anxiety and depression to improve your mental health.) ...